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Montana Daze

We’ve been busy visiting, eating and sightseeing since we arrived here last Wednesday. Our RV park is 35 miles north of Stevensville so our daily trip to Laura’s takes a bit of time, especially through the Missoula traffic. The weather has been great even though the 5-day forecast has thunderstorms everyday. That’s just typical summer mountain weather. So far we’ve had no more than a few drops every afternoon.
Thursday afternoon, after a late soup and salad lunch in downtown Stevensville, we were treated to a tour of the Stevensville Hotel by owners Gene and Robbie.
Over the last few years they have transformed this boarding house into a Historical Landmark Hotel. It would be quite a treat to stay there. We’re just hoping that Gene follows through on the idea of building an RV Resort in town. That would work for us!
The Stevensville Art & Sculpture Society purchased a metalwork sculpture for exhibition on the main steet. It is quite unique.
Dozens of artisans encourage the fine arts through this society. The Main Street Association created this tiny downtown park…and there’s Laura πŸ™‚
Laura and Steve created a great dinner for us later that evening. Our internal time clocks are out of whack here because the sun does not set until about 10:30. So everything seems to happen later because people are still working or playing outside.
Friday we headed for Laura’s and on the way stopped at the WalMart to fill my prescription. While waiting we worked our way through the $5.50 DVD bin looking for treasures. It was our Lucky Day πŸ™‚ We found Zulu Dawn and Spy Game. We’ve been loking for Zulu Dawn for years and were so delighted to find it. We’d just been talking to Steve and Laura about these movies so we bought copies for them.
It was Steve’s Birthday so after a relaxing drive up Bass Creek to see the hiking, biking and camping areas we drove to Hamilton for a Birthday Dinner at Spice of Life. Oh, somewhere in there Laura managed to whip up two lemon merengue pies made with organic eggs and lemon juice with a fresh ground buckwheat crust. She’s quite a cook! Dinner was very good and enjoyable then we went home to consume the pie. I think the four of us ate a whole one. It’s fun to do all this with Laura and Steve as they know lots of people in this small town so we’re always meeting someone.
By the time we got home on Friday night I was really pooped. I think part of it is from being in higher altitude. So I did not get up until 10:30 yesterday…just couldn’t get going. But we were headed to a BBQ hosted by Laura’s new neighbors. The lots on Laura’s street are 10 or 20 acre parcels so meeting the neighbors isn’t a wave over the back fence. It was a relaxing day with more chatting and eating good food. Laura brought Elk Burgers and Lemon Pie (totally consumed again). Funny thing…almost everyone there was originally from California.
We headed for home before dark, settled down to watch a movie and 10 minutes later I was asleep! Must be all the fresh air.


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